No more guesswork

The Rainbow Probe Detects Cancerous Tissue During Surgery on the Patient's Body

Real-time verification that the cavity surface is free of cancerous tissue.

Precision surgical guidance.


No more guesswork

The Rainbow Probe Detects Cancerous Tissue During Surgery on the Patient's Body

Real-time verification that the cavity surface is free of cancerous tissue.

Precision surgical guidance.


Did you know?

Cancer tissue left undetected in the patient’s body results in:

Team of surgeons performing surgery

Roughly 1,000,000 cases require repeat surgery

$10 billion per year in excess cost worldwide

I'm worried about this chest pain I have!

Increased aggressive treatment, patient post-op pain, recovery time, and risk of cancer reoccurrence

The Rainbow Probe

Samples live tissue directly on the patient's body, during surgery, to alert surgeons to the existence of residual cancerous tissue, and provides guidance for their further removal.

Our technology

Combining analysis of very high-resolution 2D image with precise spectral tissue classification

The Rainbow scanner uses an advanced miniaturized hyperspectral imaging device and a unique optical system to provide surgeons with real-time data on the live tissue scanned.

CD Rainbow Background
H&E stain, light microscopy, rheumatoid arthritis of joint showing inflammation and hyperplasia
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1st prize winner

Merage Institute +45 Startups Competition 2020

Rainbow v1

Ex-vivo prototype developed

FFG Grant

Grant awarded from the Austrian government

Successful testing

Ex-vivo animal testing was completed successfully. Human tests are now underway.

Space tech

Accepted to ESA Business Incubator for innovative use of space-based technology

Our partner

Nutek AT GmbH. has formed a unique collaboration with the Medical University of Graz, Austria. This collaboration covers the joint development of algorithms, medical research, and medical testing.


Our team

Dov Cohen, Co-Founder & CEO Board Member

Experienced leader of teams developing multi-disciplinary national airborne programs, EW, Radar and C4ISR, at Israel Aerospace Industries, Director of Space Systems, developed HS remote sensing applications

Ofer Braun, Co-Founder & CTO Board Member

Expert in the design and production of optical medical devices systems. Formerly Director of Space Hyper-spectral Imaging at Elbit Systems. Successfully led the development of unique optical and hyperspectral, space and airborne cameras and sensors.


Esther Mayer, Managing Director of NUTEK AT GmbH

Esty is a highly skilled Austrian manager with exceptional leadership abilities. She is a recognized innovator and has earned admiration from colleagues for her dedication, expertise, and hard work. Her achievements have made her an asset to any team or company, and her contributions continue to impact the business world.

Prof. Hanoch Kashtan M.D,
Co-Founder & Medical Director Board Member

Director of Surgery at Rabin Medical Center (RMC), Chair Scientific Council of the Israel Medical Association, and Member of the European Society of Surgical Oncology. Founder of Medical Device companies. Wide international medical network

We’d love to hear from you

Want to find out more about Nutek and the Rainbow probe? Contact us today by filling in the adjacent form.



Graz, Austria

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+972 (0)52 366-3483


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